Spot the difference?
An Allotment is more that just a patch of earth. It should be a living thing, cared for with the same commitment as a family pet. It should be full of green and growing things that you planted there at all times of year! If you think that it is alright to cover it all in carpet and visit it once every couple of months well, that is like wanting a bunny and then leaving it all alone in its hutch at the bottom of the garden!
An Allotment can be part of your life, enriching and enhancing it. If it feels like a chore, you can always ask our friendly Allotment Community for advice and help, or perhaps you need to downsize? But it is unkind and unfriendly to let your plot decline into a weed patch shedding seeds on your neighbours’ plots, with a “rat hotel” of a rubbish heap where your compost should be. We love our Allotments, and hope you will too!