Allotment Events

A close up of a flower. A close up of a flower on a plant.

Apple Days

Our Apple Days have always been a glorious and usually sunny success. We have held various events over the years but Apple Day has been a popular event for the Gransden Allotment Society. Many varieties of fruit were available to …

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Produce Stalls

In June and August, many Allotmenteers contributed produce, preserves, flowers and  even elderflower Champagnes, raising village awareness of what we are all about, not to mention healthy funds for improving our Allotments!

Open Day 2016

This was a wonderful day in July, which raised a magnificent £600 towards improvements to our Allotment site. Our plots looked at their very best, and people were able to relax by the wildflower meadow to enjoy home-made ice creams, …

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